Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Splash of Water in the Face

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24

Meaning (adj.) - "having significance"

I have never heard Psalm 118:24 quoted on Monday!

The phone call began innocently enough. We engaged in a few moments of small talk and discussed some of the events of our day. I told the caller that this Monday had been rather full and busy. It was off in the van to pick up kids and take them to Summer Christian Camp. It was off to get more ice for the camp since there was, in fact, a larger number of kids (1st - 3rd grades) than anyone expected. It was talking to those in charge of cooking tomorrow evening’s meal and asking them to prepare for many, many more than they had originally prepared. It was going out to visit with a young girl who desired to learn more about becoming a follower of Christ—she wasn’t home. It was going to see a young couple that has been coming to worship at our church for the last few weeks. Yes, it was “busy” I told the caller.

Why were we talking? To make plans for the upcoming soccer camp he is planning to begin a junior varsity girls soccer team at one of the local schools. He asked me to come and do some instructing for a couple days.

Busy was how I defined my day.

He said, “Well. It sounds like you had a very meaningful day.”

Talk about changing my vision of my Monday. His simple phrase helped me to see that my day had been pregnant with opportunities for impact and difference making. My getting up sleepy eyed had turned into a day of kingdom difference. Making pancakes for my kids this morning was not just habit or necessity. It was a privilege to serve and love on my family. The conversation around the table served to make memories and bring laughter and created a beautiful start for the day.

The apparent inconvenience of having to change ice and meal plans were made in light of the fact that I have the opportunity to serve those who will teach kids about Christ this week. I needed to remember it was important. My son will be there among those wild and wooly campers. The young girl and her family were not home but I sure enjoyed laughing with my wife as we rode together. I remembered again why I like being married to her so much. The time with the young couple was precious. How good to help connect people with God’s people, the church.

I fail to see the meaning in most of my days. Do you?

The caller's comment was like a splash of water to the face. It got my attention. Thank you, Father for using a phone call from a soccer loving dad to reframe my thinking about Monday. This was your day. The moments were simple but profound. My attention was redirected and I was glad in it.

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